Reel No. 6096   2025-03-06  
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GyeongJu Wind Turbine Feasibility Study
This report was a semester long study that I conducted to fulfill the requirements of a course on wind energy. I was given the choice of any location in the world to perform my feasibility study. I chose South Korea because Korea has a special place in my heart. The location choice did prove difficult however, chiefly due to my limited technical Korean language skills. Regardless, I successfully performed the necessary research, finding the national wind resource data, and energy statistics needed to perform my study. Using that data I chose the municipal city of GyeongJu (경주시) as the site for my proposed 60 megawatt installed capacity wind farm. This is my most recent, and I believe one of the best technical documents I've written independently.
Experimental Spontaneous Raman Scattering
"In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology" as the title page so succinctly indicates. This project was my masters paper, explaining the experimental and literature research I performed. My paper discusses the physical mechanism of Raman Scattering, as well as literature specifically pertaining to use of Raman Scattering on high pressure combustion. As part of my research I built and tested a Stimulated Raman Scattering apparatus, to experimentally perform temperature and composition measurements in combustion experiments, with the ultimate goal of operating an SRS apparatus in high pressure combustion.
Development of a Methane-Air Flame Equilibrium Concentration Calculation Program and Analysis of NO and CO Emissions
(discussion draft)
Analysis of Nonpremixed Laminar Diffusion Flames
(discussion draft)
Modeling of Self-Similar and Non-Similar Boundary Layers
(discussion draft)
C-XX Prometheus, an AIAA proposal
(discussion draft)
Basic Aerodynamic Calculations of a Supersonic Aircraft (Lockheed Martin F-22)
(discussion draft)
Unsteady Aerodynamics Modeling
(discussion draft)
Stretch Effects on Premixed Syngas Combustion
For first semester of my senior year, I participated in an elective research course. The research topic I was assigned was to computationally determine the extinction strain rate of premixed syngas (H2/CH4 mixture) flames at STP conditions. This paper briefly explains how I used the OPPDIF package of CHEMKIN (by Reaction Design), in conjunction with a program which I wrote myself, to carry out the numerous simulations. This paper is smaller than most of my reports, for practical research reasons. But this semester-long research endeavor certainly wasn't short on difficulties. From learning CHEMKIN on my own, to the convergence issues that anyone who has worked in computation is more aware of than they care to be. It was a fine struggle.
Airfoil Simulation via the Vortex Panel Method
(discussion draft)
Conceptual Design for a Shuttle Replacement
As part of my introduction to aerospace engineering course in the fall of 2005, my collaborator and I were asked to conduct a basic (junior year level) preliminary design for a shuttle replacement, as if we were a corporation (Polaris Aerospace inc.) making a proposal. The project is only a basic conceptual design, focusing on basic performance characteristics within a proposed mission profile. The formatting of the document itself leaves much to be desired, this is the original document that my collaborator and I submitted those many years ago.
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